Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Coming of the Storm

Grr second day of school and already there is practically a war taking place in the school. It's silly really and I don't feel like writing this down, but hey it's my dramatic life and who knows, I could be famous one day and this would be like my diary. It could happen you know. haha
So today I found out that this girl who I thought was my friend is telling everyone that she know that my best friend, who shall forever be known as Songbird, and me are backstabbing liars that you shouldn't be friends with. Yeah.. Super I know.
You may be wondering:
But why would someone do that to their own friend?
I have no idea.. Well there was a stupid little mix-up that happened over the summer, but that wasn't Songbird's or my fault. During the summer I went to this camp for choir and it was hosted at a University so everyone stayed in dorms. Well the girl starting drama now had it in her head that she was rooming with me and got pretty mad when she found out that she wasn't. It's not like it was set in stone.. the people in charge pretty much room you with whoever. So as you can see this whole thing is very stupid.
What really gets me, is that the girl's mom is acting more immature than she is. Every time I have seen her since she has literally turned her nose up and strutted off and whenever I have tried to say hello she gives me a look and walks away. She's in her 30's or 40's and she is acting worse than her 14 year old daughter. It just blows me away.
I do know that I have a good bunch of friends that will stick with me though, and honestly those are the only ones I need. If they really believe that the rooming thing was just Songbird and me being vindictive, and they completely ignore me then they are not that good of a friend.
Wish me luck tomorrow! Ugh! So much drama and I'm not even in theater?!

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