Saturday, August 28, 2010


Ah tests.. This first week of school has been full of them, and that is why I missed a few days. Well, that and I went to my friends birthday yesterday.. haha
I did not post on Thursday because I was insanely busy studying for a test that ended up being extremely easy and for 2 quizzes that I missed due to a doctors appointment.
"But Magpie, why did you have to go to the Doctor?"
Well inquisitive person that reads my blogs, I went to the doctor to get some tests done.
"Yay! More tests!"
I have been having some minor annoying problems recently and I went to get the checked out yesterday. They ended up doing an EKG/ECG and then after that they drew blood.. ick. I hate needles and I hate blood, so you can imagine how that went.
My doctor said that the EKG/ECG went fine, but I won't know about the blood tests until Monday. Don't worry, it's not for anything too dreadful.
Do you know what else happens on Monday???
I get my new iPhone 4! AH! I'm soo excited! I've never had an iphone before. (:
Well until tomorrow this has been another post by the Magpie. I love you!! <3

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